CMSA Scholarship Program
Graduate students in any year of a recognized, full time MSc. or PhD. program at a Canadian University, who are conducting applied or basic meat research, are eligible to apply for the Percy Gitelman Memorial Scholarship, the CMC Associate Members Scholarship, and the CMSA-CMC Volunteers ICoMST Travel Award.
Undergraduate students in any year of a recognized, full-time B.Sc. program in Agriculture and/or Food Science at a Canadian University, interested in studying Meat Science in Canada, are eligible to apply for the Ronald A. Chisholm Undergraduate Scholarship.
Previous CMSA Scholarship Program winners are not eligible to reapply for scholarships they have previously been awarded.
Application Procedure:
An application form can be obtained the following ways:
- or -
- Graduate application form (PDF), and Graduate scholarship information letter (PDF)
- Graduate application for ICoMST travel award (2021) (PDF(COVID edition)) - information letter (COVID EDITION) (PDF).
- Undergraduate application Form (PDF), and Undergraduate scholarship information letter (PDF)
Submission Procedure:
Completed applications must be emailed by the deadline date to
Applications can be submitted in English or French.
Evaluation Procedure:
The applications are reviewed by referees from industry and from government/academia.
Graduate student applications will be evaluated on:
A) Scientific merit and innovation of the project, including appropriateness and validity of experimental design, degree of innovation of the project and the contribution of the research to basic knowledge.
B) Potential impact of the project on the meat industry and to meat science, keeping in mind that some projects may have a significant impact only in the long term.
C) Individual academic performance and research potential, based on the academic record of the student, letters of reference provided and the project description.
D) The travel award, only, will also take into account the international impact of the work, and proof of committed funding to cover potential travel expenses exceeding the amount provided by this award.
Undergraduate student applications will be evaluated on:
A) Individual academic performance and research potential, based on the academic record of the student, and the letters of reference provided.
B) Demonstration of interest in pursuing graduate studies or a career in meat science (eg: project in meat science related field; summer work experience, etc.).
C) Essay on why the applicant wants to attend the Canadian Meat Council Annual Meeting and CMSA Technical Symposium
Graduate students: Friday, February 26th, 2021
Graduate students ICoMST travel award: February 26th, 2021
Undergraduate students: Friday, February 26th, 2021