
CMSA Scholarship Program

The Canadian Meat Science Association (CMSA) is pleased to be involved in awarding four scholarships per year. The deadline to receive scholarship applications for 2021 is February 26.


Two scholarships are earmarked for promising graduate students studying Meat Science in Canada. These scholarships are:

1) Percy Gitelman Memorial Scholarship, sponsored jointly by the Canadian Meat Science Association and Newly Weds Foods, Inc. ($3000)

2) Steve Morin Memorial Scholarship, sponsored by the Associate Members of the Canadian Meat Council (CMC). ($3000)

Winners of these two scholarships will be expected to present a 15 minute presentation on their research at the CMSA Technical Symposium at the CMC Annual Conference.

3) CMSA-CMC Volunteers ICoMST Travel Award, funded jointly by the Canadian Meat Science Association (CMSA) and the Associate Members of the Canadian Meat Council (CMC). ($2,000)

Winner of this award will be expected to present a poster and/or oral presentation at ICoMST, and write a detailed report to be published in the CMSA Newsletter. This will include a narrative of their experience at ICoMST and an abstract of their presentation.

**** New in 2021 - Due to the COVID-19 Travel restrictions, the Executive committee has decided to award free online registration to a few students who apply for the ICoMST scholarship. Please visit our eligibiliy section for more information on how to apply. The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2021.


One scholarship is earmarked for promising undergraduate students interested in studying Meat Science in Canada:

4) Ronald A. Chisholm Undergraduate Scholarship, sponsored by Ronald A. Chisholm Ltd, international food merchants since 1928. ($2,500)

The winner of this scholarship will be expected to be present to accept the award at the CMSA Technical Symposium at the CMC Anuual Conference.


The purpose of these scholarships is to promote quality education and development of meat science research in Canada. Except for the ICoMST travel award, the awards will be presented at the CMSA yearly Technical Symposium, and travel expenses and registration fees for the meeting will be provided for the scholarship winners.

An applicant DOES NOT have to be a CMSA member to apply. However, membership is free to students, and all scholarship applicants will automatically receive a one year membership.