HACCP Software
Reference Database for Hazard Identification
Produced in 1995 by Agriculture and Agri-Food this software is a tool to assist in the development of HACCP programs. It is to be used in the hazard identification process. The database lists biological, chemical and physical hazards for incoming foods and process steps. For information: Canada Communications Group Tel: (819) 956-4802.
doHACCP for Meat and Poultry
Designed to assist meat processors in creating and managing HACCP plans. It has an on-line HACCP reference manual and a HACCP glossary. Available in French or English. Also included are expert help files with modules for slaughter and production of fresh and frozen beef, broilers, turkey, pork, and lamb. For information: Norback, Ley & Associates, Tel: (608) 233-3814.
HACCP Manager
Software approach to the management of HACCP in a food production environment. The system records production lines, assigns critical control points where necessary and associates the relevant raw materials, ingredients and products where applicable. For each CCP the system records variables such as acceptance limits and breach effects, sample points, corrective actions, preventative maintenance and monitoring procedures. For information: Icon Software Tel: 0011-61-03-5281 1045.